Aggregator Integration
How projects and protocols can integrate AshSwap Aggregator or be integrated.
AshSwap welcomes everyone who wants to integrate our Aggregator, yet there are a few "soft" rules:
Users must be informed that the AshSwap Aggregator API is in use, such as mention us in your announcement of new features and applications.
A phrase such as "Powered by AshSwap Aggregator" on Integrator's UI is an extremely kind
Avoid modifying the AshSwap Aggregator smart contract, whether it be within the SDK or not.
AshSwap reserves the prerogative to withhold assistance from unscrupulous individuals.
Contact us regarding the integration of your DEX pools/markets with AshSwap Aggregator.
UI Providers
AshSwap SDK provides developers with an SDK to integrate AshSwap pools, farms, and aggregators:
Last updated