Stable Pool

This pool type contain stable tokens

Contract Interface

1. Notations & Structs

1.1. PoolResultType

pub type PoolResultType<BigUint> = ManagedVec<BigUint, EsdtTokenPayment<BigUint>>;

1.2. TokenAttributes

pub struct TokenAttributes<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub reserve: BigUint<M>,
    pub rate: BigUint<M>,

1.3. AddLiquidityAttributes

pub struct AddLiquidityAttributes<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub token: TokenIdentifier<M>,
    pub attribute: TokenAttributes<M>,
    pub amount_added: BigUint<M>,
    pub total_fee: BigUint<M>,
    pub admin_fee: BigUint<M>,

1.4. AddLiquidityEvent

pub struct AddLiquidityEvent<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    lp_token_amount: BigUint<M>,
    lp_token_supply: BigUint<M>,
    tokens: ManagedVec<M, AddLiquidityAttributes<M>>,

1.5. RemoveLiquidityAttributes

pub struct RemoveLiquidityAttributes<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub token: TokenIdentifier<M>,
    pub attribute: TokenAttributes<M>,
    pub amount_removed: BigUint<M>,

1.6. RemoveLiquidityEvent

pub struct RemoveLiquidityEvent<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    lp_token_amount: BigUint<M>,
    lp_token_supply: BigUint<M>,
    tokens: ManagedVec<M, RemoveLiquidityAttributes<M>>,

1.7. RemoveLiquidityOneCoinEvent

pub struct RemoveLiquidityOneCoinEvent<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    lp_token_amount: BigUint<M>,
    lp_token_supply: BigUint<M>,
    total_fee: BigUint<M>,
    admin_fee: BigUint<M>,
    token_out: RemoveLiquidityAttributes<M>,

1.8. ExchangeAttributes

pub struct ExchangeAttributes<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub token: TokenIdentifier<M>,
    pub attribute: TokenAttributes<M>,
    pub final_amount: BigUint<M>,

1.9. ExchangeEvent

pub struct ExchangeEvent<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    total_fee: BigUint<M>,
    admin_fee: BigUint<M>,
    token_in: ExchangeAttributes<M>,
    token_out: ExchangeAttributes<M>,

2. Write functions

2.1. Add liquidity

fn add_liquidity(&self, mint_amount_min: BigUint, lp_token_receiver: &ManagedAddress) -> PoolResultType<Self::Api>

2.2. Remove liquidity

fn remove_liquidity(&self, token_amount_min: MultiValueEncoded<BigUint>) -> PoolResultType<Self::Api>

2.3. Exchange

fn exchange(&self, token_out: TokenIdentifier, amount_out_min: BigUint) -> PoolResultType<Self::Api>

token_out: The token id that you want to receive after exchanging.

amount_out_min: The minimum amount of token_out that you will receive. If the pool returns an amount that is smaller than amount_out_min the transaction will be reverted.

3. Read functions

3.1. Estimate the exchange output

#[derive(TopEncode, TopDecode, NestedEncode, NestedDecode, PartialEq, TypeAbi, Clone, ManagedVecItem)]
pub struct TokenAttributes<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub reserve: BigUint<M>,
    pub rate: BigUint<M>,

#[derive(TopEncode, TopDecode, NestedEncode, NestedDecode, PartialEq, TypeAbi, Clone, ManagedVecItem)]
pub struct ExchangeAttributes<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub token: TokenIdentifier<M>,
    pub attribute: TokenAttributes<M>,
    pub final_amount: BigUint<M>,

#[derive(TopEncode, TopDecode, NestedEncode, NestedDecode, PartialEq, TypeAbi, Clone)]
pub struct ExchangeResultType<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub total_fee: BigUint<M>,
    pub admin_fee: BigUint<M>,
    pub token_in: ExchangeAttributes<M>,
    pub token_out: ExchangeAttributes<M>,

fn get_amount_out(&self, token_in: &TokenIdentifier, token_out: &TokenIdentifier, amount_in: BigUint) -> ExchangeResultType<Self::Api>

3.2. Estimate add liquidity

#[derive(TopEncode, TopDecode, NestedEncode, NestedDecode, PartialEq, TypeAbi, Clone)]
pub struct AddLiquidityResultType<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub mint_amount: BigUint<M>,
    pub tokens: ManagedVec<M, AddLiquidityAttributes<M>>,

fn pool_add_liquidity(&self, token_amount_added: &ManagedVec<BigUint>) -> AddLiquidityResultType<Self::Api>

3.3. Estimate remove liquidity

#[derive(TopEncode, TopDecode, NestedEncode, NestedDecode, PartialEq, TypeAbi, Clone)]
pub struct RemoveLiquidityResultType<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub burn_amount: BigUint<M>,
    pub tokens: ManagedVec<M, RemoveLiquidityAttributes<M>>,

fn pool_remove_liquidity(&self, burn_amount: BigUint) -> RemoveLiquidityResultType<Self::Api>

3.4. Get AMP factor

fn get_amp_factor(&self) -> u64

3.5. Get pool state

#[derive(TopEncode, TopDecode, PartialEq, TypeAbi, Debug)]
pub enum State { Inactive, Active, ActiveNoSwaps }

fn state(&self) -> State;

3.6. Get LP token identifier

fn get_lp_token_identifier(&self) -> TokenIdentifier

3.7. Get LP token supply

fn get_lp_token_supply(&self) -> BigUint

3.8. Get pool tokens

fn get_tokens(&self) -> ManagedVec<TokenIdentifier>

3.9. Get token balances

fn get_balances(&self, token: &TokenIdentifier) -> BigUint

3.10. Get swap fee

fn swap_fee_percent(&self) -> u64;

3.11. Get admin fee

fn admin_fee_percent(&self) -> u64;

4. Events

4.1. Add liquidity

fn add_liquidity_event(
    #[indexed] timestamp: u64,
    #[indexed] caller: &ManagedAddress,
    add_liquidity_event: &AddLiquidityEvent<Self::Api>,

4.2. Remove liquidity

fn remove_liquidity_event(
    #[indexed] timestamp: u64,
    #[indexed] caller: &ManagedAddress,
    remove_liquidity_event: &RemoveLiquidityEvent<Self::Api>,

4.3. Remove liquidity one coin

fn remove_liquidity_one_coin_event(
    #[indexed] timestamp: u64,
    #[indexed] caller: &ManagedAddress,
    remove_liquidity_one_coin_event: &RemoveLiquidityOneCoinEvent<Self::Api>,

4.4. Exchange

fn exchange_event(
    #[indexed] timestamp: u64,
    #[indexed] caller: &ManagedAddress,
    exchange_event: &ExchangeEvent<Self::Api>,

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